Oklahoma Mosques Condemn the Killings of the US Ambassador to Libya and his staff
(Tulsa, OK 9-12-12) The Islamic Council of Oklahoma (ICO) usually responds only to
statewide situations but the violence in Libya yesterday upset Muslims all over the
globe. Spokesperson Sheryl Siddiqui stated, “Oklahoma Muslims strongly condemn the
actions of the mob that took the lives of the U.S. Ambassador to Libya and his staff
based on our shared humanity and Islamic teachings. Prophet Muhammad consistently
sought and upheld treaties with everyone of every religion. Killing ambassadors who
work for peace and the empowerment of the people is clearly forbidden. Muslims send
our heartfelt sympathies to the families of the victims and are grateful for their
sacrifices on behalf of Libyans and Americans alike.”
“No film is worth killing over. When people insulted Prophet Muhammad with words
or threw garbage at him or stoned him, he was gracious and forgiving and would not
let any of his followers hurt them. He is our example, not whoever led the Libyan
mob. It is a relief to know that it was other Libyans who rushed the Ambassador to
the hospital in efforts to save his life and later took his body and the others to
the airport so that the deceased could be returned to their families.”